Blackburn Center
Human Services
Blackburn Center is a comprehensive victim’s service agency located in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Our agency provides a number of free services to those impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault, and other crime. At Blackburn Center all of our services are trauma-informed and provided in an inclusive environment. Our civil-legal team provides legal representation for matters such as protection from abuse orders, divorce, custody, and support. Our advocacy team provides support during emergency room visits and legal proceedings. Blackburn Center’s education team offers in-school programming on personal safety, anti-bullying, dating violence, and other age-appropriate topics to students in the county. This team also provides education and outreach to underserved populations, such as older adults, people with disabilities, individuals with limited English proficiency, and those impacted by human trafficking. The agency’s therapy department provides counseling and therapy to those impacted by violence and crime, as well as support groups. Blackburn Center’s shelter offers emergency housing to victims of intimate partner violence and their children. While at the shelter, clients have access to 24/7 counseling, group counseling, and one-on-one goal planning to obtain permanent housing and ensure all basic needs are met. Volunteers as well as staff operate a 24-hour hotline that provides crisis counseling, as well as safety planning and resources. Through developing trust and working together to empower the choices of those we work with, we support survivors to understand the trauma they have experienced and rebuild a sense of control in their lives.